Half Life
Half Life
I think, When exactly did it begin?
These white hairs growing on the chin.
Not there in photos of recent yesterdays,
Yet the mirror certainly reflects them today!
When did the cracks appear in my face?
A once youthful skin now replaced.
No longer does the young boy exist,
Or is he still there somewhere in the mist?
Dark splotches from who knows where.
Musings of When and how did they get there?
My mind rejects the age of two score and a year,
Yet the effects are apparent on this fleshy veneer!
Compared to my peers I guess I have faired well.
Oh this aging body, the stories it could tell!
A half life of memories, some bright, others glum.
Inspirational premonitions of the best is yet to come!
Three months now past since the last birthday,
Seems the clock is on fast forward, racing away.
No time to lose listening for the next chime,
Wondrous things to do, exotic places to see, making up for lost time.