The Guilt & Honor of “Comedy & Tragedy”
One of my resolutions for this year was to resign as the Drama Coordinator of my church. I have enjoyed it but after a year on the job, the Drama Department still continues to be a party of one. (“Me”) Combined with my increasing travel schedule with my employer this year, I have very little time for any theatre projects I am sad to say. Two weeks ago I did resign my position which was accepted with warmth and understanding as well as an agreement that I will still act as a consultant and perform when needed if time permits. While my conscience is clear, I still feel a bit guilty about leaving.
Last night I accepted an invitation to their annual choir banquet and had a good time socializing with the parishioners, choir members and enjoying a good meal. There was an award ceremony recognizing certain people for their contributions and much to my surprise, I was presented with a plaque of appreciation for my theatre work in the church over the past 4 years. Needless to say I was touched and honored. Of course now I feel even more guilt for abandoning my post. Part of my “real world” job requires a lot of administrative work which has carried over into one of my passions being theatre and the arts. I involved myself in performing as a creative outlet to escape from my day job, not to become a second job with similar responsibilities. I still feel I have made the correct decision but when they presented me with that award last night……well… mind started struggling with all this again.
All of this rambling aside, this small token of affection is every bit as special to me as the Lary Award I finally won last year in community theatre, They both have a special place in the display case and in my heart.
P.S. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!! Drinks anyone?
Night Flyer
Night Flyer
I close my eyes and summon my will,
My mind focused in deep concentration.
Ticking clock stops as time stands still,
Succumbing to forces of imagination.
Senses heighten beginning to tingle,
As the body becomes transparent.
Striding the earthly and incorporeal,
Floating effortlessly above the bed.
Coursing forward toward the window,
Rising gloriously into evening skies.
Night lights falling further below,
Spherical horizon now catches my eye.
Destination requires only mere thought,
Cosmic winds bend to force of my choice.
Ethereal angel wings bear me aloft,
I hear ecstasy in the sound of my voice!
“Why God have I never flown before?”
The question now lingers in my head.
In doing so I’ve opened reality’s door,
Fantasy lost summons fear, then dread.
Falling earthward to a world awakened,
Flight of my spirit fades to memory.
Gossamer wings are only sheets and threads,
And I a mere mortal among cottony debris.
Contented smile greets dawns first light,
Slumbering years have brought forth the same theme.
Once again I will travel the edge of midnight,
For flying has always been my favorite dream.
I managed to snap these shots near Mirror Lake in St. Pete a few weeks ago but have not had a chance to post them. These were completely random and I was fortunate enough to get a couple of clean images before these feathered fowl got away. They did not like me getting too close.TAH
The Birthday that would not go away…….
My birthday was last week. Quite honestly since I was turning (and have now turned….) 41, I had no desire to celebrate it. This “number” combined with the image I see in the mirror each day only reminds me that time is ticking away much faster than I would like. I did not announce it, broadcast it or advertise it and I left the entire calendar clear and free. Well it would appear that the people that surround me in my life were not going to let that happen. I spent Tuesday night at Grille 29 for a wine tasting event sponsored by Tampa Bay Uncorked as a gift from my new lady friend. Each course was paired with a specific wine and summarized by a representative of the winery located in Chile. Wednesday night was spent at the Cheesecake Factory with all of my colleagues who were in town from Chicago and New York. They had planned this whole event around my birthday and presented me with a “Golden Beanie” with a silver propeller. Now what made them think I need that particular item is beyond me but the Tiramisu Cheesecake paired with the St. Francis Cabernet was indescribable. Thursday night was spent at Macaroni Grill with an old friend who used to live near me and was in town for the night. I was having a great time after the third water size glass of “honor system” Chianti. Friday night was spent at Bar Louie with one of my best friends who I have not seen in a couple of weeks where I obliged myself with some good old fashioned chicken wings and beer. Saturday I cut all my hair off as a gift to myself and have now gone back to the clean cut and respectable look for awhile. At least until I reinvent myself again that is. (This seems to happen every couple of years.)
All of these events, combined with the numerous phone calls, e-mails, cards, letters and gifts prevented me from ignoring this birthday as I initially planned to do. On top of all this, I found out Friday afternoon that I had just received a raise at work. I was driving home late one night all alone with this stupid grin on my face and realized how happy and lucky I am. Ignoring all the wonderful events, delicacies and libations I indulged in last week, I came to the realization that I received one of the greatest gifts a man could ever wish for. That is the loving affection of family and friends as well as the respect of my colleagues. You never realize how many people have touched your life until little things like this happen. So today I steal a quote from Lou Gehrig’s 1939 farewell speech in Yankee Stadium (minus the reverb and echo):
“…, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.”
It was a great week!!
"Oscar Night America"
At the beginning of each near year, everyone is always pondering and preparing for the next Super Bowl. While most of the world is obsessing over that, I am anxiously awaiting the Oscars which are my own personal super bowl. Of all the plethora of award shows on TV these days, this still remains my all time favorite as I love movies and the art of film. The Tampa Theatre holds an annual Oscar Party every year which is one of only 46 “Oscar Night America” events across the country that is sanctioned by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. I have always wanted to attend one of these and as luck would have it I finally had the opportunity Sunday night. It was absolutely wonderful and I had so much fun and met some really interesting people. This black tie event is a mini-version of the actual Oscar ceremonies with all the effort, bells and whistles of Hollywood that you almost feel as if you were attending the ceremonies “live”. Courtesy limousines were provided so that when you arrived, you walk to the passenger loading area, enter your limo, and circle the block and then the car pulls up to the red carpet whereupon you exit to enter the theatre as if you are a “star” with all the pomp and circumstance. You are then greeted by cheers from the other attendees, camera flashing and somewhat of a Joan Rivers look-a-like who was the master of ceremonies. I attended with a lovely lady of whom I have been dating for a couple of weeks and her best friend. One posed as Eva Longoria, the other as Jennifer Aniston and I was a nameless incognito producer who was considering them for my next film.
Upon entering the theatre there were wall to wall evening gowns and black ties in this lovely old restored theatre. I brought the camera in to take a few shots of our party. I always find it amusing that when people see me with this professional Nikon camera, they automatically assume I am with the press or the event itself and I had two or three requests from people to “please take our picture”. Not wanting to be unkind or put a damper on their fun, I acquiesced but feel a bit guilty because they will probably be edited out since I don’t know them and they are most likely looking for their picture in the newspaper right about now wondering why they can’t find it. The ladies and I ordered some wine and took our seats near the VIP area and when the “VIPs” never showed up, our sticky fingers seized the complimentary “Oscar” book as a memento. Slowly and to my disappointment, half of the crowd had dispersed about midway through the show. It was Sunday evening and we all have jobs to go to on Monday, but me being the purist that I am stayed to the very end with maybe two dozen other people. (Of course I am feeling the effects this morning surviving on about 4 hours sleep!)
Now for the awards ceremony. I have seen approximately half of the films nominated and made myself familiar with the others which I hope to see in the near future. For the most part, I am pleased and agree with all of the award recipients with the exception of two. The first is Reese Witherspoon for Walk the Line and the award for best Actress in a Leading Role. I think Ms. Witherspoon is a fine actress and I don’t want to take anything away from her portrayal of June Carter Cash. After all she did her own singing and if I remember correctly, learned to play the guitar for this role. However, in my opinion, the award should have gone to Felicity Huffman for her portrayal of a transgender man who wants to be a woman in Transamerica. It takes some serious acting chops for a woman to portray a man who wants to be a woman. The other is Best Makeup for The Chronicles of Narnia. While this film is one of my personal favorites, I think Star Wars: Episode III deserved this award. Compare the makeup effects in both and you will see SW: III is much more elaborate, detailed and labor intensive. These are just my personal opinions of course.
It was good to see George Clooney finally get an award for Syriana but that was a tough call as well for me. I think Paul Giamatti is a fine actor and would have been as equally pleased if he had won for Cinderella Man as Actor in a Supporting Role. The other difficult toss up decision for me was the Actor in a Leading Role between Philip Seymour Hoffman in Capote and Terrence Howard in Hustle & Flow. I have not watched either of these films yet but have seen snippets of each and am a big fan of both of these fine actors. Hoffman is one of those truly talented male artists and I have watched Howard progressively get better and better roles since he first impressed me in The Best Man (1999). I literally tossed a coin on this one and was pleased that Hoffman did win but wish they could have given two awards, one for Terrence.
Finally, the reviews this morning for Jon Stewart as host have not been all that flattering and I totally disagree. I think he did a fine job and I personally laughed at every joke because I “got it”. He and his writer’s brand of humor is what make the Daily Show so popular and he is a logical choice. Let’s face it; some folks don’t “get it”. I hope he is asked back to host again as it was a refreshing change. I may be making the Oscar Party at Tampa Theatre an annual event from now on. It was such a good time and I don’t think watching them at home on the tube will ever compare going forward. I had an awesome weekend and hope you did as well!